Social Welfare

Our History

Suffering will end by helping each other.

In early 1990, a group of Dharma friends in Tham Wah Wan founded Than Hsiang Social Care with the aim of promoting the spirit of compassion and service. Through various services and activities such as "Care for You", "Refugee Children Education Programme", "Orphanage Activities", "Students Financial Aid", "Sending Warmth", and "Elder Care", Than Hsiang Social Care reached out to the community and provided immediate help to those in need. These programs were designed to create a pure, kind, and beautiful society."

In addition to the aforementioned programs, Than Hsiang Social Care also visits children's wards at Hospital Kuala Lumpur on an ad-hoc basis. During these visits, we spend time with the children, play games, and tell stories to cheer up the kids. The volunteers cooked lunch for the elderly residents of Wan Ching Yuan regularly and visit them during Chinese festivals to share love and care and make them feel at home.

Our Services